LeatherPaks in introducing Parinda faux leather handags, a sub - brand of McKlein USA, is bringing a new dimensions of bold fashion to its line of handbags.
Looking to spice up their line of handbags with styles that appeal to broader range of women LeatherPaKs is introducing Parinda faux leather handbags. Since Parinda is
a sub - brand of McKlein USA, known for it top quality leather laptop bags, this line of handbags was a natural choice for LeatherPaKs expansion into a bolder designer line. Inspired by today's woman, Parinda handbags exude style, femininity and their alluring designs make Parinda a perfect collaboration for LeatherPaks.
Parinda is a collection of beautifully crafted faux leather handbags and compliments the woman with an eye for fashion and an appreciation for the finer things.Because the Parinda collection is manufactured by McKlein USA the quality is unquestionably up to par and the faux lesther building makes high fashion an affordable reality for today's younger woman.
Affordability in today's down economy was a major factor for LeatherPaks in introducing the Parinda collection at this time. With a price point of around $40 LeatherPaKs believes the Parinda series will appeal to a wide range of young woman.